Terms and Conditions
- The owners of the website www.bngs.pl (Website) are Marcin Pietrzak and Krzysztof Pietrzak partners of a private partnership conducted under the name BNGS S.C. with its registered seat in Warsaw at ol. Łacińska 4/9, 01-451 Warsaw (Owners).
- User – website visitor.
- Offer – offer placed by the owner on the website.
- Personal information – information about an identified or identifiable individual, for example: surname, telephone number, IP address.
§2. General provisions
- The operators of the website www.bngs.pl are the Owners.
- Purpose of the website: information about services provided by the Owners and industry-related news.
- The User is obliged to use the website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, applicable law, general Internet usage roles and the purposes for which the website was created, and in particolar, in a manner that does not infringe the rights of third parties and the rights of the owner.
- If the User violates item 3 or performs actions specified in item 3, the Owners have the right to take any action to remedy the damage suffered.
§3. Responsibility for content
- The Owners are solely responsible for their own content on the website.
- The information provided by the Owners on the website is kept up-to-date and carefolly prepared, however, the Owners do not warrant the correctness, validity, completeness and permanent availability of the website.
- The Owners provide binding information, advice, recommendations or explanations only in the context of individual communication.
- The Owners reserve the right to change, supplement, shorten or completely remove the online offer. They also do not guarantee that the content of the online offer is appropriate for the user and his or her purposes.
- The website may contain links to third-party websites and the Owners have no influence on their content. The content of the linked websites is the sole responsibility of their operator.
- The Owners must be immediately notified if while using the links found on the website, the user is directed to websites whose content appears to be doubtfol for the users. Such a type of links will be removed immediately upon receiving information that the content of the linked websites violates the law. This statement is valid for all links on the website of the Owners.
§4. The area of validity of the offer
- The online offer of the Owners is intended for the territory of the Republic of Poland and was prepared on the basis of Polish law.
- The Owners are not responsible for making sure that the online offer is appropriate for users from other countries, or applicable and legally permissible there.
§5. Copyright
- The website, including its content, shape and design is protected by Polish and international copyright laws. The rights to all materials on this website are reserved to the owner or entitled companies and persons (e.g. business partners, clients).
- No part of the website (including texts, documents, files, graphic layouts, graphics) can be reproduced or distributed in any form or manner (electronic or mechanical), including copying, printing, photocopying, recording on tapes, floppy disks, CDs/DVDs or other systems and means without the consent of the Owners, unless the Terms and Conditions provide otherwise.
- Downloading and copying the content on the website is only permitted for private, non-commercial use, unless otherwise specified. Setting hyperlinks on the website, including in particolar deep links, inline-links, or links in Frame technology, is only permitted upon the prior written consent of the Owners.
- Infringement of the license or copyright by the user resolts in legal liability specified in particolar in the provisions of the Act on copyright and related rights, the Act on combating unfair competition, the provisions of the civil code or the provisions of the press law.
§6. Technical notes
- There may be errors in digital data processing.
- The use of different web browsers and individual software settings may resolt in differences in content display.
§7. Privacy protection
Owners, who are administrators of personal data within the meaning of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended), act in accordance with the applicable regolations and take care of the protection of personal data of users in accordance with the Privacy Policy and Cookies in the website.
§8. Final Provisions
- The Owners make every effort to ensure proper functioning of the website, however, they do not guarantee that the website will function without failures and breaks.
- If there is any objection to the website activity, the user may report it to the owner by sending an e-mail found in the Contact section.
- The Owners reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. The current Terms and Conditions will be published on the website.